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Free SSL Vs Paid SSL Certificates

When it comes to a secure website, there are two ways in which we can go about it. We can either choose a free SSL certificate or go for the paid one. It’s true, but the question is: Which one do you choose? As it turns out, a lot of things affect this decision and there are many variables that come into play. While both options have their own merits and demerits, many users want to know which option should be preferred by them. This post will outline what it takes to get an SSL with both Free SSL Vs Paid SSL options and can help you decide which one is best for your site.

Let’s find it out together!

SSL Certificates

SSL uses data encryption and identification to keep your information secure in two different ways. In the absence of encryption, the data is sent in plain text, which anyone may read.

Identification, meanwhile, provides both a technological and aesthetic assurance that a website is genuine. Web users have access to a variety of SSL certificates on the market, all at varying costs.

Both free SSL certificate providers and paid SSL certificates issued by Certificate Authorities are available to website owners and developers (CAs).

Free SSL Vs Paid SSL Certificates

Numerous resellers, web designers, and Web hosting companies frequently get this query. You might even be asking yourself this question if you own a website.

Free SSL certificates are undoubtedly alluring, and in certain instances, that’s all a website owner actually needs. However, paid SSL certificates have several undeniable advantages.

Free SSL can undoubtedly be used in situations where trust is vital but not crucial, such as on blogs and other modest informational websites.

The padlock icon is displayed in all popular browsers, and they offer the same level of encryption as their commercial counterparts. However, they don’t provide several essential elements that many websites require, such as those that foster customer confidence.

Paying for peace of mind and convenient maintenance makes paid SSL certificates a better fit for companies and brands who value consumer trust highly.

To start with, paid SSL certificates not only offer encryption but also go one step further to confirm or validate that the owner of the website is who they say they are, giving users peace of mind that the site is legitimate.

Additionally, only certificates that have been paid for come with a warranty, extended validity periods, technical assistance, and certificate administration.

Key Differences Between Free SSL Vs Paid SSL

Below are given the main differences between free and paid SSLs to help you make informed decisions.

1. Offered Types of SSL

Only the single Domain Validation (DV) option is available with free SSL certificates. Only a minimal level of authentication using DV certificates is permitted.

They are typically employed for platforms like microsites and blogs. Extended Validation (EV) and Organization Validation (OV) certificates are not available with free SSL certificates.

While the premium SSL certificates do include the OV & EV choices, which are crucial for securing large websites.

2. Given Warranty

No warranty is offered by the free certificate in the event that something goes wrong because of a weakness in the authentication procedure.

However, premium certificates offer a warranty, and this warranty functions much like business insurance in that it protects against any losses incurred by the company as a result of incorrect certificate issues.

3. Compatibility on Servers

All paid certificates work with the majority of widely used servers, including Apache, MS Exchange, cPanel, etc. Whether it’s a dedicated or self-managed server.

Despite having fewer compatibility options, a free SSL certificate is occasionally restricted to a small number of servers.

4. Support

The certificate authorities and distributors of purchased certificates are dedicated to giving their clients 24/7 assistance. These consumers are free to select the assistance method they like, whether it be chat, email, or phone.

Free CAs, in contrast, are unable to afford to provide their clients with the same level of service. You’ll have to dig through many old forum postings if you need assistance with a problem involving free SSL.

5. Period of Validity

Popular CAs give free SSL certificates that are valid for 30 -90 days. The owner of the website must therefore renew the certificate every 30 to 90 days. Paid certificates may be given out for a time frame of 1-2 years.

6. Easy Installation and Sourcing

The main advantage of a free SSL certificate for a website is that there is no cost involved. Additionally, it is simple to source and installs, allowing you to quickly launch your website. Multiple free certificates are easily obtained without any problems.

Before issue and installation, some paid SSL certificate providers might ask you to complete specific formalities. As a result, you ought to search for service providers who can expedite the procedure.

7. Trust

The introduction of free SSL certificates increased Web security, but nowadays anyone can obtain a certificate. This also applies to phony websites, which, regrettably, can seem just as protected as any genuine website. Because of this, some users will flat-out refuse to believe a website if it utilizes a free certificate.

8. Additional Features

Paid certificates frequently offer a multitude of capabilities that make the work easier when businesses compare the initial certificate cost to the overall cost of website security.

Many premium certificates come with website security capabilities including malware screening, compliance scanning, log scanning, block list verification, and vulnerability evaluation.

TezHost SSL Certificate Service

TezHost is a trusted and reliable certificate authority that offers secure and affordable SSL certificates. With TezHost, you can choose from a variety of certificate types to suit your needs. Our team is always available to help you choose the right certificate and install it on your website. We also offer a wide range of other security products and services, so you can be sure that your website is safe and secure.


In the end, we have come to the conclusion that free SSL certificates are ok to be used. It is actually true that they are not as secure as paid certificates. However, this does not mean that they can’t be used at all. As a matter of fact, there are also many users that are quite happy using them. So, ultimately, it all comes down to what you want to achieve. If you want to see results or if you do not mind how many visitors your site has and how.

Rules are meant to be broken. Sometimes, using a free SSL is the best thing to do, and sometimes the paid one is the way to go. Don’t get hung up on their prices, instead, look more closely at their features and determine if they are actually worth your money or if you’re better off going for a free alternative. Just make sure you make an informed decision and don’t be shy about changing your mind.

Good luck.

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TezHost Editorial

TezHost Editorial staff is a team of Marketing experts lead by Arif Wali


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