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Boost the Speed and Performance of WordPress Website

WordPress is the leading CMS platform on the internet, with more than 60 million websites powered by it. But even though WordPress has a massive community, it isn’t perfect. With so many websites running on WordPress, your site needs to stand out from the crowd to get visitors and keep them coming back for more. To do that, you need to boost the speed and performance of your WordPress website. In this blog post, we’ll show you Tips to Boost the Speed and Performance of your WordPress Website so users will love visiting it as often as possible.

Let’s get started!

Tips to Boost the Speed and Performance of  your WordPress Website

Anyone who has ever worked with WordPress knows how awesome it is. However, that doesn’t mean it can’t be made even better. The trick to supercharging your WordPress site is to make sure everything is running smoothly and as fast as possible on your site. If you want your site visitors to have the best experience possible and come back often, follow these tips on how to boost the speed and performance of your WordPress website.

  • Check Your Hosting and Environment:

When you’re trying to improve your WordPress site’s speed, the first thing you should do is check your hosting and environment to make sure everything is optimized. This can involve checking your web hosting, WordPress version, PHP version, and more.

If your site is hosted on a shared hosting plan, you’ll want to upgrade to a VPS or cloud hosting plan as soon as possible. This will enable you to fully control your environment and make sure your site runs as fast as possible.

If you are using a VPS or Cloud hosting, you might want to make sure that you’re using an SSD server. This will ensure that your site loads much faster than if it was on a standard HDD server.

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  • Keep WordPress Up to Date:

Another important factor when it comes to boosting the speed and performance of your WordPress site is keeping your version of WordPress up to date. You should always make sure your WordPress version is as up-to-date as possible.

This ensures that you have the latest security patches and performance improvements from WordPress. Updating your WordPress version is easy. Just login to your admin page and select “Updates”.

You can also set it up so that WordPress automatically notifies you when an update is available. WordPress also has a schedule for releasing updates. You can see this schedule and find out when the next WordPress update is coming out here.

  • Use a Content Delivery Network:

A content delivery network, or CDN, is a network of servers that deliver your website’s content to users around the world. This means that instead of your users visiting your servers to view your content, they’re viewing it from a CDN server instead.

This cuts down on the load on your website and makes your site load much faster for users around the world. Most WordPress hosts offer CDN services. If you’re not sure if your host does, you can ask them about it. You can also purchase a third-party CDN service. This can be a bit costlier, but it’s definitely worth it if it makes your site load much faster.

  • Use a WordPress Cache Plugin:

Caching is a way of storing data so that it doesn’t need to be calculated or processed as often. There are many WordPress caching plugins out there. The best WordPress caching plugin is WP Super Cache.

It’s easy to set up and configure, and it can dramatically increase the speed of your site. It also lets you cache things like your home page, images, and more. Using this plugin will reduce the amount of server calls your site makes and prevent your pages from going out of date. It might seem like caching isn’t doing anything, but it’s definitely impacting your site negatively if you’re not using it.

  • Move to a Newer Version of PHP:

Another great way to boost the speed and performance of your WordPress site is to move to a newer version of PHP. Unfortunately, WordPress automatically uses the version of PHP that your hosting provider uses.

This means that if your hosting is running an old version of PHP, you might be able to boost the speed of your WordPress site by moving to a newer version of PHP. To do this, you can install a PHP switcher plugin.

This will allow you to switch your version of PHP whenever you want. If you don’t want to switch your PHP version, you can also try moving to a hosting plan that supports modern versions of PHP. This might be cheaper than switching to a newer version of PHP and might be worth it if you don’t need the extra power that a newer version of PHP provides.

  • Remove Unnecessary Plugins:

As awesome as WordPress is, it’s not perfect. One of the biggest issues with WordPress is how many people use plugins to extend the software. Unfortunately, many of these plugins slow down your site. If you’re experiencing slow site speeds, one of the first things you should do is check to see what plugins you have installed.

If there are any unnecessary or old plugins, you should remove them. You should also try to avoid installing unnecessary plugins. This can slow down your site and make it less secure. If you’re having trouble deciding what plugins you should have installed, you can use the free plugin, WordPress Plugin Check.

This will scan your site for installed plugins and let you know if any of them are out of date. You can also use it to check if any of your plugins have security issues.


The key to boosting the speed and performance of your WordPress site is to make sure everything is running as smoothly as possible. This means checking your hosting and environment to make sure they’re optimized, keeping WordPress up to date, using a CDN, using a caching plugin, moving to a newer version of PHP, and making sure your site is running the latest version of WordPress and PHP. Using all of these tips, you’ll be able to supercharge your WordPress site and make it faster than ever before.

Hopefully, these tips have been helpful in boosting the speed and performance of your WordPress Website. For more such informative posts, head on to our Blogs section!

TezHost Editorial

TezHost Editorial staff is a team of Marketing experts lead by Arif Wali


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