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Shared Hosting vs. VPS – A Comprehensive Guide

When starting a website, you will probably have more questions than answers. This is especially true if this is your first foray into the world of website hosting and internet services. When it comes to choosing the best web hosting plan for your specific needs, things can get confusing quickly.

In this comparison guide we will compare Shared Hosting vs. VPS to get a clear image of which hosting option is suitable for your specific needs.

Shared web hosting and virtual private server (VPS) are two types of web hosting services that have become increasingly popular in recent years. What are the main differences that make each unique? How do you know which is the best option for you? There are pros and cons to each type of hosting, so let’s take a look at what they have to offer. 

Shared Hosting vs VPS Hosting Key Differences

Let have a look at the key differences between Shared Hosting and VPS Hosting with the help of a simple chart. With this chart you will be able to easily differentiate these two hosting in terms of 6 most important web hosting factors.

Shared Hosting vs. VPS differences chart

How Shared Hosting is Different

Shared Web Hosting serves as a cost-effective hosting solution where multiple websites share the same server resources, including CPU, RAM, and storage.

This setup suits small to medium-sized websites or beginners due to its affordability and ease of use. However, its shared nature means that traffic spikes or resource-heavy sites on the same server may impact overall performance.

The primary contrast between Shared Hosting and VPS lies in resource allocation. Shared Hosting divides resources among multiple users, which can lead to occasional performance fluctuations.

1. Resource Allocation

In Shared Hosting, resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage are shared among multiple websites hosted on the same server. This sharing often leads to limitations as the resources are divided among various users.

During peak traffic or high-demand periods, the available resources might become constrained, potentially affecting the performance of all sites hosted on that server. Due to its shared nature, users have limited control over resource allocation and server configurations.

2. Performance

In Shared Hosting, the performance is impacted by the sharing of server resources among multiple websites. During traffic spikes or resource-intensive tasks on one website, the overall performance might degrade for other sites sharing the same server. While adequate for smaller websites with moderate traffic, Shared Hosting may experience occasional slowdowns during peak periods due to resource contention among users.

3. Stability

Shared Hosting may exhibit lower stability due to its shared nature. Since multiple websites share the same server resources, the actions of other websites on the server can affect the stability of your site.

If a site on the shared server experiences a sudden spike in traffic or consumes excessive resources, it can potentially impact the stability and performance of other websites on the same server. This sharing of resources can lead to occasional fluctuations in stability and reliability.

4. Security

Shared Hosting environments might pose potential security concerns due to the shared nature of resources. As multiple websites share the same server, a security breach in one website can potentially affect others on the same server.

Vulnerabilities in one site, like outdated software or poor coding practices, could be exploited, impacting neighboring sites. The lack of isolation might make Shared Hosting slightly more vulnerable to security threats compared to VPS Hosting.

5. Control Panel

Shared Hosting plans typically come with a free control panel that offers basic functionalities to manage websites, such as cPanel or Plesk. However, the control provided might be limited due to the shared nature of resources.

Users may have restricted access to configurations and settings since they are sharing the server with multiple websites. This limitation might affect the customization and advanced settings available through the control panel.

Web Hosting companies like TezHost are giving extensive features access of control panels like cPanel with web Hosting or even This company’s Reseller hosting plan gives you access to WHMCS which is a great tool to control and manage multiple website on the same server.

The 86% market share of cPanel unequivocally demonstrates its unparalleled popularity and dominance as the leading web hosting control panel globally.


6. Pricing

Shared Hosting plans are known for their affordability and cost-effectiveness. They are priced lower since resources, such as server space, bandwidth, and CPU, are shared among multiple users on the same server.

This shared resource model significantly reduces individual hosting costs, making Shared Hosting a budget-friendly option suitable for small websites, blogs, or startups with low to moderate traffic.

Pros/Cons of Shared Hosting

Pros Cons
Cost-Effective Limited Resources
Ease of Use Security Concerns
Low Maintenance Less Control
Free Support

5 Question to ask yourself before buy shared hosting

  1. What are my website’s needs?
    • Determine your website’s requirements in terms of traffic, storage, applications, and databases to ensure the hosting plan aligns with these needs.
  2. How reliable is the hosting provider?
    • Research the provider’s uptime guarantees, customer reviews, and support services to ensure reliability and prompt assistance when needed.
  3. What are the limitations of the plan?
    • Understand the limitations on bandwidth, storage, and other resources included in the package to ensure they meet your website’s current and future requirements.
  4. How is the customer support?
    • Inquire about the availability and responsiveness of customer support, such as 24/7 assistance, support channels, and their expertise in handling technical issues.
  5. What’s the scalability and upgrade path?
    • Determine if the hosting plan allows easy scalability as your website grows. Inquire about upgrade options and associated costs to accommodate increased traffic or resource demands.

Where to Buy Shared Hosting

When looking to buy shared hosting, there are numerous reputable providers available online. I would suggest you to go with TezHost as this company is best known for it’s cheap rate and great customer support.

Before making a purchase, it’s essential to compare features, pricing, customer support, and user reviews across various hosting providers to find the one that best fits your website’s requirements and budget.

How VPS Hosting is Different

VPS Web Hosting allocates dedicated resources to each virtual server, ensuring consistent performance, scalability, and greater control over server configurations, making it an ideal choice for websites that require more reliability and customization options.

1. Resource Allocation

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting offers dedicated resources to each virtual server, operating as an isolated environment within a larger physical server. Users get guaranteed resources allocated exclusively to their VPS, ensuring consistent performance and stability.

Unlike Shared Hosting, VPS users have greater control over resource allocation, allowing them to customize settings based on their specific requirements. This increased control and dedicated resources make VPS hosting more scalable and suitable for websites needing higher performance levels and flexibility.

2. Performance

VPS (Virtual Private Server) Hosting delivers superior performance compared to Shared Hosting. Each VPS operates independently within its allocated resources, ensuring consistent performance regardless of other sites’ activities on the same physical server.

With dedicated resources such as CPU, RAM, and storage, VPS Hosting offers better reliability, scalability, and faster loading times. Websites hosted on VPS servers experience enhanced performance, making it suitable for businesses with higher traffic volumes or resource-intensive applications.

If an e-commerce site is making $100,000 per day, a 1 second page delay could potentially cost you $2.5 million in lost sales every year.

Nailpatel Blog

3. Stability

VPS Hosting offers higher stability compared to Shared Hosting. With a VPS, your resources are isolated and dedicated, providing a higher degree of stability. As each VPS operates independently within its allocated resources, the performance and stability of your website are less affected by the activities or traffic of other sites hosted on the same physical server.

This isolation ensures greater stability and reliability, making VPS Hosting a preferable choice for websites requiring consistent uptime and stability.

4. Security

VPS Hosting offers enhanced security compared to Shared Hosting. The virtualized environment provides isolated resources, creating a more secure hosting environment. Since each VPS operates independently with its dedicated resources, security breaches on one VPS generally do not affect others. This isolation reduces the risk of security threats spreading across different virtual servers, enhancing overall security for websites hosted on a VPS.

Additionally, users have greater control over security configurations, allowing for more robust security measures to be implemented based on individual needs.

5. Control Panel

VPS Hosting don’t come with a control panel for free unlike shared hosting. You need to buy a control panel for yourself or you can use a free Control panel like Open-source Cyberpanel. Moreover, you can buy your own license of any wellknown premium control panel to enjoy fully featured control panel.

VPS Hosting offers a more comprehensive and flexible control panel experience compared to Shared Hosting. Users have greater control and autonomy over their server environments through robust control panels like WHM (Web Host Manager) for server-level management and cPanel for individual account management.

When you buy the license VPS control panel allows for advanced customization, software installations, server configurations, and more granular control over resources due to the isolated nature of VPS instances. This level of control is considerably higher than what’s typically available in Shared Hosting environments.

6. Pricing

VPS Hosting tends to be more expensive than Shared Hosting due to its enhanced features and resource allocation. VPS plans offer dedicated resources within a virtualized environment, offering better performance, reliability, and scalability.

This increased level of control and dedicated resources leads to a higher price point compared to Shared Hosting. VPS plans are ideal for businesses or websites requiring more power, flexibility, and customization options but are willing to pay a higher price for these benefits.

Pros/Cons of VPS Hosting

Pros Cons
Increased Performance Costlier than Shared Hosting
Enhanced Control Technical Knowledge Required
Better Security Responsibility for Maintenance

5 Question to ask yourself before buy VPS hosting

  1. What are My Resource Needs?
    • Evaluate your website or application’s resource requirements. Determine the necessary CPU, RAM, storage, and bandwidth to handle your expected traffic and operations.
  2. What Level of Control Do I Require?
    • Consider the level of control needed. Are you comfortable managing server configurations, software installations, and security updates? Determine whether you need root access for customizations.
  3. Is Scalability Important?
    • Assess your growth plans. VPS hosting offers scalability, allowing you to easily scale resources as your website or application expands. Consider your future needs and how easily you can upgrade within your chosen VPS plan.
  4. What’s My Budget?
    • Determine your budget and compare it with available VPS hosting plans. Understand the trade-offs between cost and resources/features offered. Assess any additional costs for add-ons or managed services.
  5. What Level of Technical Expertise Do I Have?
    • Assess your technical skills or team expertise. VPS hosting requires a certain level of technical know-how for setup, configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting. Consider managed VPS options if technical expertise is limited.

Where to Buy VPS Hosting

Buying VPS Hosting for your website needs a lot of research. You need at least basic information about the hosting company. This is important because VPS is not simple as shared hosting a small mistake can down your website and you need support from your web hosting provider.

Again I would suggest you TezHost’s cheap VPS Hosting. The reason behind this is: their multiple customer support options and quick response. Furthermore, you will get a VPS hosting plan in a cheaper rate as compared to other providers in the market.

Decision making between Shared Hosting vs. VPS

Choosing between Shared Hosting and VPS depends on several factors:

Traffic and Resource Needs:
Shared Hosting is ideal for smaller websites with moderate traffic. VPS suits growing sites needing more resources and scalability.

Control and Customization:
Shared Hosting offers limited control, while VPS grants root access, enabling extensive configurations and software installations.

Performance and Stability:
VPS provides dedicated resources, ensuring better performance and stability compared to Shared Hosting, which shares resources among multiple users.

Budget and Scalability:
Shared Hosting is cost-effective but has limited scalability. VPS is pricier but offers scalable resources, making it suitable for expanding websites.

Technical Expertise:
Shared Hosting requires minimal technical knowledge, whereas managing a VPS demands a higher skill level for server management and maintenance.

Consider these aspects carefully based on your website’s current needs, expected growth, budget, and technical proficiency to make an informed decision between Shared Hosting and VPS.

Other Hosting Options

There are total 8 basic types of web hosting services which can be divided into further categories. Each hosting type has different use cases. For better hosting option than above discussed ones you can upgrade to Cheap Dedicated Server and for a Lower options I suggest you to go with Basic web Hosting.

Final thoughts: Shared hosting vs. VPS

In the realm of web hosting, the choice between Shared Hosting and VPS often hinges on nuanced yet vital factors. Shared Hosting presents an affordable and user-friendly entry point for small to moderate websites, allowing easy maintenance and scalability at a budget-friendly cost. However, its limitations in resource allocation and occasional performance fluctuations due to shared resources might affect websites with higher demands.

On the contrary, VPS Hosting stands out for its dedicated resources, offering enhanced performance, stability, and scalability. It’s an optimal choice for websites requiring consistent performance, greater control, and advanced customization options. Despite its higher cost, VPS Hosting caters to expanding websites seeking reliability and robustness.

There is massive difference between each hosting types Liker here we have compared VPS vs Dedicated Hosting to make it easy for you to choose better host. Ultimately, the decision between Shared Hosting and VPS rests on individual website needs, traffic expectations, control requirements, and technical proficiency. Careful evaluation of these factors empowers website owners to choose a hosting solution that best aligns with their immediate requirements and future aspirations.

Arif Wali Nago

Meet Arif Wali, an accomplished SEO expert with a passion for optimizing online success. With a wealth of experience, Arif serves as the SEO Strategist for TezHost, where he leverages his expertise to drive organic growth and enhance website visibility.


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